Welcome to the
Charlotte Koi Club

CKC 2025 Meetings Start in March

We have had all sorts of weather lately but I really do think Spring is around the corner. Our first in-person meeting will be Saturday March 8 th , 10:00 am at Gary Chesson’s home. He has just completed a pond renovation with Pondscapes of Charlotte and will be sharing information about his new koi pond and filtration system. Please plan to bring something to share with other members.

Thank you to 2025 club meeting hosts. We still have two open dates if anyone would like to volunteer. Hosting a meeting is very easy and we have board members who will help you. Are you worried that your pond isn’t perfect? There is no “perfect” pond. As a club we are interested in the story behind your pond, associated landscaping, and your koi. Everyone has a different take on maintaining a koi pond and we love to see a variety of new ponds each year. Club meetings are opportunities to ask questions whether you are just starting a pond, maintaining a pond, thinking about showing koi, or planning to close a koi pond. Maybe you don’t even have a koi pond but are just interested – we hope you’ll come out to the meetings.

If you have not paid your 2025 dues, please go online to our website, login and a renewal message will show. Dues are $20 per family.

If you are interested in a specific topic related to koikeeping, please send me a text or email. I’ll be sure we address it at one of our meetings or in our monthly newsletter. Hope to see you in-person at the first CKC meeting!


Lori Vertin , President, Charlotte Koi Club

lorivertin@gmail.com ; mobile – 612.1616.3828

- Lori Vertin


  • Social club for koi enthusiasts at all levels of experience and expertise.
  • Provide education related to koi, koi keeping, and koi pond management.
  • Provide consultative advice on buying koi, koi health, water quality, and general koi pond management.
  • Share knowledge on topics of interest to club members such as water gardening, landscaping around ponds, statuary, koi shows, and Asian culture.
koi varieties

Common Koi Varieties

There are over 100 classifications of koi. Here is a visual guide to some of the most common varieties.


Buying Koi

Where can you buy high quality Japanese koi?


Koi Health

Common health problems and what you can do to maintain a healthy pond.


Koi Rescue

Koi Netters is a koi rescue organization for the greater Charlotte area.

“All of a sudden I had the revelation of how enchanting my pond was.” – Claude Monet

Membership icon


Join the fun today!

CKC Members

LOGIN for CKC members directory and resources


CKC Marketplace

For Sale/Trade/Free - koi and pond related supplies